One time, Sister Edgel and I were visiting a less active member of the church and we were talking about what we do as missionaries. We were explaining our schedule (wake up at 6:30, exercise, study, go out and work, etc.). And she asked us, don't you ever get bored? Same schedule every day... Isn't it boring?
I didn't know how to reply really, so I just said something about how even though the schedule is similar, every day we see different people and we're striving to help each of them move forward. It's exciting to see people move forward in the gospel. But later, Sister Edgel and I were talking about it after a particularly crazy day, and we were just laughing. Boring? Missionary work is a lot of things, but not boring!
We were playing a get to know you game in district meeting, and one of the questions was "What do you like to do when you're bored?" And honestly, I thought back, and I couldn't think of a time on my mission when I've really been bored. Not even during church. Not during lunch or dinner time. When we have "down time," when we're not out proselyting, I usually have just as much that I want to get done as when we're out! Now that I'm more aware of it, I am appreciating my lack of boredom more. (I know, kind of a weird sentence) It's just something that I want to hold on to. it's not so much about being busy as it is being productive... always having something to accomplish.
So, on that note, this week was anything but boring, as usual! We did a lot of service... Food pantry, cleaning, and shoveling some gravel. It was fun. One of our investigators decided to build herself a patio, and she can't lift more than five pounds, so we helped her with that. It was good especially because she hasn't been too serious about investigating, so we're hoping that she will see from our service that the Church we represent is one of love, service, and helpfulness.
One of the tough moments this week was that one of our most progressing investigators ran into some anti-LDS material and we haven't had a chance to sit down with her in person since... Prayers!
I have been very lame at taking pictures lately! I am so sorry! I will repent. Here are the pictures I did take
We found three new investigators this week! Two former investigators, and the daughter of one of our other investigators. It was great. And we taught a lot of lessons. It was really great to see almost all of our investigators... There are some weeks that we don't get to see everyone. It's difficult when that happens, because you don't know what's happening with them, if they're reading or studying, or getting exposed to negative material.
The gospel changes lives! I am so lucky that I get to be a part of witnessing people change their lives.
Lots of love to everyone,
Sister Barret
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